Assistant to the Villain

Assistant to the Villain Hannah Nicole Maehrer


Assistant to the Villain

Once Upon a Time meets The Office in Hannah Maehrer's laugh-out-loud viral TikTok series turned novel, about the sunshine assistant to an Evil Villain...and their unexpected romance.

ASSISTANT WANTED: Notorious, high-ranking villain seeks loyal, levelheaded assistant for unspecified office duties, supporting staff for random mayhem and terror, and other Dark Things In General. Discretion a must. Excellent benefits.

With ailing family to support, Evie Sage's employment status isn't just important, it's vital. So when a mishap with Rennedawn's most infamous Villain results in a job offer--naturally, she says yes. No job is perfect, of course, but even less so when you develop a teeny crush on your terrifying, temperamental, and undeniably hot boss. Don't find evil so attractive, Evie.

But just when she's getting used to severed heads suspended from the ceiling and the odd squish of an errant eyeball beneath her heel, Evie suspects this dungeon has a huge rat...and not just the literal kind. Because something rotten is growing in the kingdom of Rennedawn, and someone wants to take the Villain--and his entire nefarious empire--out.

Now Evie must not only resist drooling over her boss but also figure out exactly who is sabotaging his work...and ensure he makes them pay.

After all, a good job is hard to find.

Fantasia / Ficção / Romance

Edições (2)

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Assistant to the Villain
Assistant to the Villain


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Resenhas para Assistant to the Villain (55)

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Perfeito, maravilhoso, bem escrito
on 13/10/23

Eu estou com uma raiva.. kkkkkkk, a culpa é minha, eu não sabia que esse livro tinha sequência e eu tô orando para que seja apenas uma duologia porque eu ando 0 paciência com trilogias, mas enfim.. Esse livro é espetacular, a escrita é fluida e gostosa, os capítulos são bem elaborados e instigam a mais e mais, eu amei todos os detalhes desse livro, a protagonista me ganhou tanto. Aqui temos um slowburn com grumpy x sunshine, e é uma DELÍCIA de acompanhar, eu estou encantada pelo Trysta... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.1 / 239
ranking 51
ranking 33
ranking 13
ranking 2
ranking 1



cadastrou em:
02/06/2023 00:40:30
editou em:
02/06/2023 00:40:43

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